Don’t consider yourself lost at any point. We show you how you can easily get to our Puerto Plata vacation villa once you land in the Dominican Republic.
Directions from La Union (Puerto Plata International) Airport:
- Turn right onto Route 5 for 20 km.
- About 1 km after you pass by Sunix, turn right onto Calle 4.
- Turn left onto No 2.
- Turn right on the ramp to Circunvalacion Sur.
- Turn left onto Circunvalacion Sur.
- Continue onto Carretera Navarrete Puerto Plata for 2.6 km.
- Take the first right, past the entrance to Sun Village Beach Resort.
- Continue on for approximately 470 meters and take the second right.
- Destination will be on the right.
How About a Better Option:
Let us know when your plane will land at Puerto Plata International Airport and we’ll pick you up and drive you to La Vista.