Are you a small business owner looking for a way to show your employees you really appreciate the hard work they put in every day? Have you ever considered a company vacation? You might think it would be too expensive. After all, you don’t want to take them bowling down the street. A real company excursion would be a trip to some distant, exotic and tropical destination, like, purely for example, Cofresí Beach in the Dominican Republic.
Why, it just so happens we can recommend accommodation for you and your small business employees! Our La Vista villa, completely by coincidence, happens to sit on a hill overlooking Cofresí Beach and the gorgeous Caribbean Sea. We think La Vista will give your employees one of the most scenic views, morning and night, to be found anywhere in the Caribbean. Best of all, when you plan your company vacation to La Vista and Cofresí, you probably won’t need to make reservations with anyone but us. La Vista villa is expansive and, well, big. It has enough room for 15 people, more than enough for the bulk of small business in the United States.
So when you start thinking about unorthodox ways to show your employees how much you care, think about taking a company vacation and think about La Vista on Cofresí Beach in the Dominican Republic. If you do, we guarantee it will be a ‘perk’ they won’t soon forget.