6 Oct

Relax at La Vista

It’s easy to get caught up in the busy, hustle and bustle of modern life. Whether you’re constantly connected to your job through your mobile or are busy holding down a desk in a cluttered office, you need to take a break every once in awhile to disconnect. This is easier said than done in a work cycle that never seems to end. Yet, study after study shows that if you don’t want to burn out too young, you better take some time out while you still are.

The best way to really relax is with a change of scenery and setting and sometimes Florida just isn’t far enough away (especially if you work there!). Come stay at La Vista in Cofresí in the Dominican Republic and we guarantee you’ll forget all about the unending grind.

Where is La Vista and Cofresí? Cofresí is on the Amber Coast of the Dominican Republic, a tropical island many overlook in favor of the more famous Key West or Virgin Islands. While it lacks the fame of the aforementioned, the accommodations are more reasonably priced, you get the same sun, and there’s crystalline, turquoise water you won’t find anywhere else. Relaxing yet?

Then there’s our home, La Vista. La Vista is lush, luxurious and built to modern standards. There are pools, whirlpool tubs, a deluxe kitchen, plenty of plush seating, a view you will never forget, and room enough for a big family, plenty of friends, and a few more besides.

You can always try to relax at home, or you can come to La Vista in the Dominican Republic and do it the right way.